Hearing (Auditory Sense)

The auditory system or the hearing sense is essential for understanding and processing sounds in our environment. However, some children may experience challenges with auditory processing, which can impact their ability to make sense of what they hear. Auditory processing issues can cause difficulties in distinguishing similar sounds, following directions, or understanding speech in noisy environments which can affects their social and communication skills and academic performance.


  • Talking loudly or making excessive noise.
  • Frequent vocalizations or vocal stimming behaviors.
  • Seeking out loud sounds or music.
  • Enjoying repetitive or continuous sounds (ex. Tapping, clicking)
  • Heightened interest in specific sounds or auditory stimuli
  • Seeking crowded or noisy environments
  • Spontaneous humming, singing or vocalizing
  • Fascination with electronic devices or toys that produce sound


  • Covering ears or seeking ear protection in response to loud or sudden sounds
  • Displaying discomfort or distress in noisy or crowded environments
  • Avoiding or expressing dislike for certain sounds or frequencies
  • Exhibiting a preference for quiet or isolated spaces
  • Avoiding or having difficulty with tasks requiring auditory processing or listening skills.