Hearing (Auditory Sense)
Sight (Visual Sense)
Taste (Gustatory Sense)
Touch (Tactile Sense)
External Body Awareness (Proprioceptive Sense)
Balance (Vestibular Sense)
Smell (Olfactory Sense)
Internal Body Awareness (Interoception)

Esther Howard
For sensory seekers, sensory avoiders, over-responders, or under-responders, you can modify a variety of sensory solutions.
Easily bothered by ordinary sounds
Responds negatively to loud noises
Appears not to hear certain sounds
Produces certain sounds repeatedly
Understanding the Senses
The sensory system is the part of our body that helps us perceive and understand the world around us through our senses. It includes our five main senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. In addition to that, there are three other important senses that are less commonly known but play a crucial role in our system: the vestibular (balance) sense, proprioception (external body awareness), and interception (internal body awareness).
The sensory system helps us gather information from our environment and make sense of it, enabling us to interact with the world and learn from our experiences. For sensory seekers, sensory avoiders, over-responders, or under-responders, you can modify a variety of sensory solutions. Understanding each sense's needs and the appropriate potential solutions is necessary for the optimal adaptation of solutions.

What happens in sensory processing difficulties?
Sensory system issues disrupt the normal functioning of sensory processing. This can result in difficulties with sensory sensitivity, focus, and self-regulation. Individuals may experience hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to stimuli, sensory overload, coordination problems, and increased anxiety.
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