Internal Body Awareness (Interoception)

Interoception is the sense of our internal bodily sensations and states. It helps children recognize and understand feelings like hunger, pain, and emotions. Interoception is important for self-awareness and self-regulation. Difficulties with interoception can affect a child's ability to recognize and respond to their body's needs. By fostering interoceptive awareness through mindfulness and support, children can enhance their self-awareness and develop effective coping strategies for managing their internal sensations and emotions.


  • Enjoying tight hugs or squeezes to regulate their internal sensations.
  • Seeking deep pressure by wrapping themselves in blankets or using weighted objects.
  • Actively seeking activities like jumping or crashing into soft surfaces for intense sensory input.
  • Showing a strong interest in understanding their own emotions and bodily sensations.


  • Exhibiting difficulty recognizing and expressing hunger or fullness cues.
  • Showing limited awareness or understanding of their own bodily sensations, such as pain or discomfort.
  • Demonstrating challenges in identifying and communicating their emotional states or needs.
  • Avoiding or expressing reluctance to engage in activities that involve physical exertion or movement.