5 Ways to Help Teach Self-Discipline

5 Ways to Help Teach Self-Discipline

Are you looking for ways to help your child develop better self-discipline? The journey can be tough but, as your child gets older, you’ll see that it is absolutely necessary.

Here are five proven and tested techniques that can help you and your children: 

Provide Structure

Children naturally thrive in structure–as long as it’s sensible instead of suffocating. You can provide this by creating a daily flow that the child can follow every day. This will help them get used to routine and allow them to enjoy the benefits of stability and rhythm.

It all starts from a good morning routine where the value of food and hygiene are emphasized. After school, kids can be taught how to divide their time between homework, play and chores. Finally, a consistent bedtime routine helps children rest and sleep easier.

Explain the Rules

If you’re like any other parent, you have tried admonishing one rule after another–only to end up frustrated as your child constantly disobeys them.

Instead of giving out rules and expecting them to be followed, try explaining the underlying reason for each rule you make. Help your child understand that the rules serve a purpose–one that is ultimately for their own good.

Give Consequences

Both natural and logical consequences help children improve self-discipline. A natural consequence is when a child forgets their homework and instead of rushing to the school to give it to him, you allow them to learn to be less careless. On the other hand, a logical consequence is when your child doesn’t clean up her toys so you limit the toys she can play with or the time she can play with them.

This is how kids learn how to make healthy decisions on their own: by considering the potential consequences of their choices.

Teach Problem Solving Skills

When you and your child face frustrating challenges or experiences, they are great opportunities to help them learn problem solving skills. Believe it or not, some of the woes you have might actually be solved by your child. All it takes is putting your heads together, figuring out the issue and brainstorming possible solutions.

While each brainstorm session might not easily show you what’s best to do, you already do your part and improve your chances by showing your child that creative solutions are just around the corner. The point is to keep trying different solutions until you can find something that sticks while keeping your child involved in the process.

Model self-discipline

Children easily pick up on your own habits. If you spend 5 hours on your phone, it won’t be easy for your child to be disciplined about her own screentime. So, more than anything, make it your priority to model self-discipline.

You can do this by observing your daily actions and seeing where you lack discipline yourself. Talk to your children about your struggles and let them see that you are a work in progress, too.


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